Tips To Keep Your Septic System Fully Operation With The Right Protection And Repairs

A septic system is a great tool to treat your household wastewater when you don't have access to the city sewers. With the responsibility of a home septic system on your property, be sure you follow the right recommendations and maintenance for a long-lasting healthy septic system and avoid sewage contamination to your home and yard. The following provides you with some recommendations to keep your septic system fully operational and working well for many years.

Maintain Your Tank

One of the first tasks to keep your system protected against damage is to ensure a proper tank function. When your septic tank becomes too full of waste or gets damaged by negligence from yourself as the homeowner, you run the risk of causing permanent damage to the tank and other systems, which will require the tank to be repaired or replaced.

Make sure you understand where your tank is located, not only so you can direct a septic pumping profession in where to access it to pump it clean, but also so you don't damage it from the surface of the soil. Your tank is going to be positioned fairly close to your home, but be sure you don't cause compaction or compression to the tank by parking heavy vehicles above it, installing a concrete slab, or building a shed or garage over any portion of its structure. The tank is built to withstand pressure from surrounding soil with interior pressure from being filled with water and sewage waste and nothing heavier, such as from above in your yard. 

If your tank gets damaged and is cracked, it will begin to leak into the soil surrounding the tank. This will lead to soil saturation from sewage with bad odors and the dangers of contamination from sewage, including viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites, and fungi. If you have a vegetable garden in your yard, this can become contaminated as well. So, always hire a septic professional to remedy any tank damage with the proper process of replacement or complete repair.

Protect Your Drainfield

Your drainfield is equally important to the septic tank, as it will become clogged with grease, solid waste, and other debris if you don't pump your tank regularly. Every few years arrange to pump the tank to clear it of its solid and greases so the waste that flows into your drainfield is only liquids that can easily disperse into the surrounding soil.

Keep trees clear of your drainfield so they don't grow into the drainfield lines. And avoid parking your vehicles over the drainfield site as well to avoid damage. Watch out for signs of a drainfield clog, such as standing water on the site or excessive saturation and the smell of sewage. Your septic professional will be able to evaluate and repair any problems with your drainfield if you encounter them.

For more information on septic services, contact a company near you.
